Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A change

My friend Lindsay just had her baby and seeing his picture entirely changed the direction my thoughts and feelings had been going. Isn't it fascinating how that happens?
One of the great things about retreat is how it clarifies priorities. I have rarely asked in meditation for the answer to a particular question; I don't think that's what it's for. Nonetheless, I often receive them unbidden.
In just that way it became clear to me that I need to slow down on the blogging a bit. Not that I regret for a moment those first 90 days or so of intensity. That time allowed me to get a great many of my thoughts out there that had been knocking around in my head for quite a while. But I have decided that I need to change to weekly rather than daily posting. A few notes on the change:
  • I would like to take more time to compose my posts. Though the writing exercise of a commitment to put something up every day is exhilarating and constructive, I want to be a bit more meticulous in how I write them. I would also like to have the time to do further study on the topics I address. As I hope I have made clear, my ideas have always been based in dharma study, but there is much, much more study left to be done. I have already covered the simplest concepts of the dharma and in order to avoid being misleading, I must do due diligence before I write further. 
  • I will post weekly, at least, probably on the weekend. I will post more often as topics arise I feel compelled to share. I will finish Jacob's Children, but will not use my weekly posts to do it. I am enjoying the writing of it and also think it's a vital part of the blog, especially considering where it's going (which, of course, I know and you don't). Still, I am choosing to complete it during the week rather than as part of the main weekly post.
  • I am getting the impression that several of you are having a hard time keeping up with a daily blog. It is a lot of words to read, I know. In fact, another of my motivations is to catch up on other blogs I am reading (sorry, Mr. Greenwald, I will need to skim a bit!) Hopefully, you can catch up with me, if that is your desire.
  • Finally, it really is a bit time-consuming and I would like to have more time for other things, like being with my lovely wife. Yeah, I think I'll do that. Oh, and maybe I can spend some time with Lindsay's baby. That would be nice.
(No, that's not him. I just felt like putting up a cute baby picture. Hers is even cuter, though).

1 comment:

  1. Well, all right then. I will miss the daily posts showing up in my Google Reader, but writing like this should be fun, not a burden. I look forward to the next chapter of Jacob's Children.
